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Tugas Analisis Teks
0leh : Saifullah
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Teachers use many metaphors to describe what they do. Sometimes they say they are like actors because we are always on the stage. Others think they are like orchestral conductors because I direct conversation and set the pace and tone. Yet others feel like gardeners because we plant the seeds and then watch them grow.
Dictionaries also give a variety of messages about teaching. According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, “teaching” means to give (someone) knowledge or to instruct or train (someone), whereas the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English suggests that it means to show somebody how to do something or to change somebody’s ideas.
It is because views are somewhat mixed as to what teachers are, and because different functions are described to teaching, that we need to examine the teacher’s role not only in education generally, but in the classroom itself.
Within the classroom our role may change from one activity to another, or from one stage of an activity to another. If we are fluent at making these changes our effectiveness as teachers is greatly enhanced. We have already used the term ‘facilitator’ to suggest the teacher’s role in learner-centred lessons- the way in which facilitator is traditionally used by many commentators. There are some teacher’s roles, such as controller, organiser, assessor, participant, tutor and observer.
Dari teks di atas, penulis bermaksud menjelaskan fungsi dan tugas guru dalam proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas, guru tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai (transformer) menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada murid, tetapi masih banyak tugas dan fungsi guru yang harus diterapkan kepada anak didik dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Misalnya guru bisa saja berperan sebagai fasilitator, tutor, assessor, controller ataupun organiser.
Kesimpulannya adalah seorang guru harus bisa memahami situasi dan kondisi kelas untuk menentukan cara dan metode yang efektif di setiap kesempatan dan aktifitas yang berbeda, kapan dia berperan sebagai assessor, fasilitator, tutor dan seterusnya.
Dalam teks ini penulis menggunakan bahasa deskriptif (menggambarkan/menjelaskan fungsi dan peran guru, juga menjelaskan makna dari mengajar).
Judul/tema yang tepat untuk teks di atas adalah “The Roles of aTeacher”
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